Ingredients4 red peppers 100g walnuts 100ml olive oil 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp ground coriander ½ tsp cayenne pepper Salt and pepper Squeeze of lemon
Types of Dishes
Starters & snacks
Preparation1. Place the peppers under the salamander. Lower it down and set it on highest setting. Allow the red peppers to blister, turning on all sides. When properly charred, place in a glass bowl and cover with cling film. Rest for 15 minutes then peel off and discard the skin and pips. 2. Gently heat the oil, garlic and spices on the hob until just fragrant. 3. Blitz together the peppers and fragrant oil. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice.
TipsMiele Special Features • Miele Salamander • Miele Induction Hob Equipment: Fit S blade to food processor